This company operates catering inhouse in order to provide food both for internal staff and for external guests. The successful chef candidate will be a fully-trained professional who has a talent for turning good quality basic ingredients into tasty, wholesome meals.
Provision of food for staff:
·To make a simple, cost effective but tasty lunch every week day for our staff (90 people).
·Lunch to be prepared in catering kitchen and be served between 12noon and 2pm in the staff kitchen by the Chef.
·Requests from staff to be considered when preparing menus to ensure maximum consumption (as long as within budget!).
Provision of food for non-staff:
Informal Lunches
·Each week the Reception will provide details of guests who will require lunch, the times they are expected and the rooms they will dine in.They should be served lunch as per above, but with the guest crockery and with wine and other refreshments if requested.
·The Chef will be advised about any special dietary requirements or specific requests – hopefully well in advance!
·A budget will be set for ‘type’ of lunch and the Chef is to work within that.
Informal Dinners
·There is a Consultants’ dinner every other month which the Chef will need to prepare a menu and cook for.
·The dates are set several months in advance so there is plenty of warning.
·The dinners are not fine dining – but simple, tasty dinners – generally two courses.
·Budgets will be set prior to the event, with the assistance of the chef and menu to be agreed with Management Team.
Fine dining
·To make occasional fine dining breakfasts/lunches/dinners
·Budgets and menus to be agreed with Management Team.
·There will be approximately 4 fine dining events in a month – apart from in January, July and December when there are likely to be less, if any at all.There will be no fine dining events in August.
£45k per annum